
Resumen | Abstract

ANI (Intelligent Nutritional Assistant) is a service that seeks to generate healthy nutritional habits through the creation of improvement systems by repetition of actions. It is based on an algorithm that collects the user's routines through "machine learning" and step by step introduces small improvements that are transformed into systems. The product learns and assists by suggesting the best ways to facilitate nutritional care with short and immediate benefits that generate dopamine and reduce the frustration and anxiety of a restrictive diet. The book "Atomic Habits" is the main support on which the product's operating strategy is structured.

Problem Statement
"83% of young people between 18-30 years old in large Spanish cities, want to improve their well-being and lifestyles, but do not have the habits, time, or tools to achieve it, thus causing abandonment in their goals.

"Young people believe that maintaining healthy nutrition involves great sacrifices, a restrictive diet and suffering."
"Young people have a misunderstanding that it is a healthy diet that leads them to exercise unsustainable changes over time."

"How we can facilitate the transition to healthy nutritional styles without great effort or restrictive diets."

Full case study